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20. Ostovar, B.; Lee, S. A.; Mehmood, A.; Farrell, K.; Searles, E. K.; Bourgeois, B.; Chiang, W.-Y.; Misiura, A.; Gross, N.; Al-Zubeidi, A.; Dionne, J. A.; Landes, C. F.; Zanni, M.; Levine, B. G.; Link, S. Efficient hot-electron transfer through a direct plasmon-mediated pathway. Science Adv. 2024, 10, eadp3353.

19. Carlin, C. C.; Dai, A. X.; Al-Zubeidi, A.; Simmerman, E. M.; Oh, H.; Gross, N.; Lee, S. A.; Link, S.; Landes, C. F.; da Jornada, F. H.; Dionne, J. A. Nanoscale and ultrafast in situ techniques to probe plasmon photocatalysis. Chem. Phys. Rev. 2023, 4, 041309.

18. Oh, H.; Searles, E. K.; Chatterjee, S.; Jia, Z.; Lee, S. A.; Link, S.; Landes, C. F. Plasmon energy transfer driven by electrochemical tuning of methylene blue on single gold nanorods. ACS Nano 2023, 17, 18280–18289.

17. Lee, S. A.; Kuhs, C.; Searles, E. K.; Everitt, H. O.; Landes, C. F.; Link, S. d-band hole lifetimes in gold nanoparticles revealed by femtosecond time-resolved emission upconversion microscopy. Nano Lett. 2023, 23, 3501-3506.

16. Al-Zubeidi, A.; Ostovar, B.; Carlin, C. C.; Li, B.-C.; Chiang, W.-Y.; Gross, N.; Searles, E. K.; Lee, S. A.; Chakraborty, A.; Roberts, S. T.; Dionne, J. A.; Rossky, P. J.; Landes, C. F.; Link, S. Plasmons generate solvated electrons. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2023, 120, e2217035120.

15. West, C. A.; Lee, S. A.; Shooter, J.; Searles, E. K.; Goldwyn, H. J.; Willets, K. A.; Link, S.; Masiello, D. J. Nonlinear effects in single-particle photothermal imaging. J. Chem. Phys. 2023, 158, 024202.

14. Searles, E. K.; Gomez, E.; Lee, S. A.; Ostovar, B.; Link, S.; Landes, C. F. Single-particle photoluminescence under applied potentials shows increased modulation compared to dark-field scattering. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14, 318–325.

13. Lee, S. A.; Ostovar, B.; Landes, C. F.; and Link, S. Spectroscopic signatures of plasmon induced charge transfer. J. Chem. Phys.,2022, 156, 064702

12. Cai, Y.-Y.; Tauzin, L. J.; Ostovar, B.; Lee, S. A.; Link, S. light emission from plasmonic nanostructures. J. Chem. Phys. 2021, 155, 060901.

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10. Lee, S. A. and Link, S. Chemical interface damping of surface plasmon resonances. Acc. Chem. Res. 2021,54, 1950–1960.

9. Ostovar, B.; Cai, Y.-Y.; Tauzin, L. J.; Lee, S. A.; Ahmadivand, A.; Zhang, R.; Nordlander, P.; Link, S. Increased intraband transitions in smaller gold nanorods enhance light emission. ACS Nano 2020, 14, 15757-15765.

8. Lee, S. A. and Biteen, J. S. Spectral reshaping of single dye molecules coupled to single plasmonic nanoparticles. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 5764–5769.

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5. Lee, S. A. and Biteen, J. S. Interplay of nanoparticle resonance frequency and array surface coverage in live-cell plasmon-enhanced single-molecule imaging. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2018, 122, 5705–5709.

4. Kovacs, K.; Duke, A.; Shifflet, M.; Winner, B.; Lee, S. A.; Rockwood, G.; Petrikovics, I. Parenteral dosage form development and testing of dimethyl trisulfide, as an antidote candidate to combat cyanide intoxication. Pharm. Dev. And Tech., 2017,Online, 1–6.

3. Lee, S. A.; Ponjavic, A.; Siv, C.; Lee, S. F.; Biteen, J. S. Nanoscopic cellular imaging: confinement broadens understanding. ACS Nano, 2016, 10,8143–8153.

2. De Silva, D.; Lee, S.; Duke, A.; Angalakurthi, S.; Chou, C.-E.; Ebrahimpour, A.; Thompson, D. E.; Petrikovics, I.; Intravascular residence time determination for the cyanide antidote dimethyl trisulfide in rat by using liquid-liquid extraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. J. Anal. Meth. Chem., 2016, Online, 1–6.